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Márika Mankinem, an intuitive painter, was born and raised in the icy lands of Northern Europe, in Finland, where she spent her childhood and youth. It was the flat landscapes, the endless horizons, and the rhythm and changing colours of each season that shaped her character and protected her spirit. She played and grew up close to nature, using sticks, leaves, and stones as her first artistic creations.

At the age of 20, she traveled to various countries and ended up staying in Portugal, on the island of Madeira, where she says she found her little corner of heaven.

She graduated in educational sciences and later in art therapy. She studied painting with renowned artists in various countries and 2018 she began facilitating courses in creativity and intuitive painting.

As an art therapist and yoga teacher, she understands the healing power of artistic endeavor and seeks to bring this connection to everything she does, both in her paintings and in her own life.

In 2019 she co-created Associação Portal das Artes, a holistic school that facilitates courses and workshops, whose motto is the art of growing and transforming.

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